Here at KFF we take great pride in allowing the work we do to be qualitatively and quantitively analysed from any angle as this is the only means to ensure that money is not wasted on superficial, short-term-feel-good projects that have little lasting impact.
Iles de Paix aspires to a world where everyone can live decently and develop their potential; a mutually supportive world that promotes universal access to human rights in a well-preserved environment. In Uganda, they are achieving this through improved farming methods across Kabarole District and promoting the adoption of agroecological practices. KFF is supporting their farmers with an intensified focus on agroforestry and species-specific planting approach.
FtF restore and protect forest ecosystems all over the world. They replant trees and protect existing forests, safeguarding the long-term sustainability of our projects, by continuing to monitor and evaluate the growth and development of the forest, and to cooperate closely with our local partners. Together with FtF we are working on our invasive species program to help reduce the prevalence of Lantana camara in Kibale Forest.
KFF partners with Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) to experiment on the hedge laying techniques using indigenous trees. As part of their model farm system and together with students, we have planted different species in different ratios to evaluate which are most suitable for such a system. We also have plans for further collaborations to test how different species perform in monocultures or in mixed plantations.
Nyabyeya Forest College is the only institution in Uganda which offers practical oriented technical forest training at diploma and certificate levels, besides a host of many demand driven vocational short courses for the forest sector stakeholders and interest groups/agencies. We regularly receive interns from the college and offer full-time positions to some successful applicants.
As part of the TropSOC project, KFF acted as a logistical partner, overseeing the remote sensing campaign conducted to assess erosion rates in different topographical landscapes. Furthermore, regular monitoring of the installed weather station within Kibale Forest has recently led to a publication which you can find here.
The ETH Zurich is one of the top universities in the world and always at the forefront of innovative research. The Soil Resources Group has been working in East Africa since 2019 and are currently investigating the effects of erosion on soil fertility and how different environmental controls drive soil development.