There is no one single solution which can fix the issues being faced in the rural tropics and the surrounding ecosystems. However, through a multifaceted approach with each project tackling the issue from a different angle we are confident of impact. Currently we provide training to farmers on the following Energy Efficient Technologies:
Eco-Charcoal is one of these projects and is intrinsically linked to our invasive species removal program. Here organic farm waste is converted into charcoal through the process of carbonisation and mixing with starchy flours such as cassava. This creates an alternative source of fuel and will help reduce the pressure on the forests.
Complementary to this project, we train farmers on the construction of Energy Saving Stoves. These stoves are significantly more fuel efficient that the traditional three-stone method and can also be designed so that the eco-charcoal large briquettes fit snuggly inside, improving efficiency further.